Vanessa Baffi

“One of the things that I love most in my life is to teach and give children smiles every day!”  


 – Ms. Vanessa Baffi


Kindergarten Teacher

Ms. Baffi likes the leones of Carcas, to go to go to the beach, travel with her family, and spend time with her friends, and listening to music. She admires her parents and is passionate about teaching. She believes teaching makes a difference in the world. She always wanted to become a teacher and positively impact the lives of of her students.  She wants to inspire her students to be better people and wants nothing more than to help them make important decisions in their lives. What she enjoys most about Shelton is the inclusion of religion in the school. She thinks having he presence of the Virgin and God in each day is very important. She also believes Shelton works together as a great team.