Sara Cruz Costa

“ As I teach my students,  I learn and as my students learn, they teach me a lesson.” 

 – Mrs. Sara Cruz Costa



Mrs. Costa enjoys the arts, interior design, and architecture.  She is passionate about creating connections with others and above all, the connection she shares with her husband and daughters.  Mrs. Costa enjoys basketball and is a Miami Heat fan.  She speaks English, Spanish, and Portuguese.  She is inspired on a regular basis by life’s simple things, such as smile, a kind gestures, and uplifting music. She is a firm believer that teaching offers a unique advantage, and thinks that it may be the only carrier that offers reciprocal outcomes of teachers and students learning from one another.   According to her, Shelton consists of one large family that loves each other and God; that grows together and cares for one another.


Favorite book: Crucial Conversations